Central High School’s Maya Babbs Wins Oratorical Contest

Maya Babbs

(Carrollton, Ga. – March 30, 2015) Central High School senior Maya Babbs won the Carroll County Oratorical Contest sponsored by Optimist International. Maya’s award winning speech was about optimism and how having an optimistic outlook on life will help you reach life goals. The Optimist Oratorical Contest is designed to give students an opportunity to speak to the world. The contest was first conducted in 1928 with nearly 2,000 Optimist Clubs participating. Winners on the club level receive medallions and winners on the zone level receive a plaque. District winners have the opportunity to win $2,500 scholarships and move on to state level competition. Maya will be competing on the district level before the end of the school year. Her English teacher is Mrs. Stephanie Herring.

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