Did You Know? Fairburn Place: The Long Road to Here.

Fairburn Place, once deserted, now with tenants.
Fairburn Place, once deserted, now with tenants.

The inaugural story in our “Did You Know?” stories, in which we look at shopping centers off the beaten path or centers that folks might not be aware of the diversity in the tenants, is the lonely Fairburn Place. Residents of Douglasville past know the corner of Fairburn Rd and Vansant Rd. all too well. Before 2006 an Amoco (when that existed) service station, and a small corner strip center with Re Max reality on the other corner. The first phase of the Hwy 92 Relocation project included the replacement of the I-20 bridge and the widening of Fairburn Rd at I-20 and points northward. It also included the widening of Fairburn and reconfiguration of the intersection at Vansant Rd. To accomplish this, the Amoco station at the northern corner was sold and torn down. Work on the phase one of the 92 project started in late 2006 and finished in early 2010. Once the intersection portion of the project was complete, a developer bought the land of the former Amoco and built a new larger strip mall center. In normal circumstances, tenants would fill the new, modern looking center and the story would end.

As Douglas County and the city of Douglasville still climb out the recession from 2009, new businesses have been slow to follow until most recently. The Fairburn Place center was attractive to the eye and in a prime location next to a major intersection with I-20. Sadly, the center sat vacant for almost 3 years. Not a sign of life to be had. Residents began to wonder if the center would ever have tenants. In 2013, lights were finally turned on and the almost left for dead center had new life and its first tenant. Total Care Family Medicine became the first to take the leap and set up shop. Soon afterwards two and then three and now four tenants have filled space. Fairburn Place is now home to Drama Queen Jewelry and Accessories, Laser Body works, and the relocated from Downtown Mr. T’s Income Tax and Accounting. With just two more spaces for future tenants, the future does indeed look bright for Fairburn Place.

Fairburn Place stakes its home for all who exit I-20 to see.
Fairburn Place stakes its home for all who exit I-20 to see.

A link to some of the businesses from the center on Facebook: Click Here




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