CARROLLTON, GA – The Carrollton High School Alumni Association requests nominations for the fourth annual Distinguished Alumni Award. Nomination criteria and forms are available on the Carrollton City Schools website, www.carrolltoncityschools.net, under the link Alumni Association in the left menu bar. The deadline for submitting nominations is April 3, 2015. This year’s Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented at the CHS Honors Night on Thursday, April 23.
The award recipient will join an elite list of distinguished CHS alumni; last year the honor was presented to Dr. Richard M. “Dick” Ingle, Class of 1964. Others include Edith Foster, Class of 1922; Albert Jones and J. Stewart Martin, Class of 1930; J. Willis Hurst, Class of 1937; E.C. “Sonny” Bass, Class of 1938; John H. Burson, Class of 1951; and D. Garvin Byrd, Class of 1969. W.W. Fitts, a founding father and long-time board member of Carrollton City Schools, was inducted as an honorary member in 2013.