Central High School Students Earn Creative Writing Awards

Creative Writing

(Carrollton, Ga. – February 25, 2015) Central High School students participated in the 2015 Twenty-Fifth Annual High School Creative Writing Competition sponsored by the Carrollton Creative Writing Club, the Fulford Family Foundation, and Jill Duncan State Farm. Two students earned recognition for their literary works. Ms. Maya Babbs earned 2nd place and $200 for her poem titled, Color, and Ms. Savannah McWhorter earned 2nd place for her short story titled, Jigsaw Puzzle. Both girls are students of Mrs. Stephanie Herring and enjoy creative writing. Maya and her parents, Torris and Candice Babbs, along with Savannah and her parents, Johnny and Sidra McWhorter, will be guests of the Carrollton Cultural Arts Center for a special recognition luncheon and workshop scheduled for Thursday, March 12.

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