Carroll Symphony Orchestra Announces Messiah Sing-Along

CSO 2004 photo

Press Release: Carroll Symphony Orchestra Announces Messiah Sing-Along

Release Date: Immediate

Contact: Alice Ridley-Teal, CSO Board of Directors, 770-834-7993

“Prepare Ye the Way

Calling all singers!   Have you ever performed Handel’s Messiah or wished you could? The Carroll Symphony Orchestra plans to make your wish come true by inviting you to join them in a Messiah Sing-a-Long on December 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the Townsend Center of the University of West Georgia.

Three rehearsals will be held in preparation for choristers wishing to brush up on the music before the performance; however, the rehearsals are not mandatory.  Times and locations of the rehearsals will be announced as the Christmas season draws nearer.

Steve Gradick, chairman of the symphony board, said they are hoping to have over 150 singers at this Christmas event. The choir will be arranged by sections in the front rows of the Townsend Center and will stand to sing the choruses. The audience will be seated behind the chorus.

Two of the soloists announced for the performance are Carrollton’s own Larry Frazier and Jane Marrero.

Choristers may bring their own copies of the music or use music provided at the rehearsals and concert by the CSO.

The cost of participation by singers is only $10.  Concert tickets for non-singers are available from the Townsend Center.

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