Mayfest a Success!



A beautiful day greeted around 10,000 people to streets full of vendors on several Downtown streets Saturday. Smells of BBQ, Hamburgers, Fries, Popcorn, and endless deserts filled the air! For 29 years Mayfest has always been on the first Saturday of the month. Carrollton Main Street Director sent us the following message via text after the event, “We had at least 10,000 people. All vendors said it was the best sales festival they have had. Thanks for all of your support!.” The Carrollton Menu would like to give a special thanks to Main Street Director Phobe Ericson & Assistant Jacqueline Bress for keeping Mayfest so organized and welcoming! Also thanks to the Carrollton Police Department, Public Works, Street Crews, and anyone else who was involved!

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