Atlanta Fitness Opening Carrollton Location

Atlanta Fitness

UPDATE : Opening Dec 7th.

Over the past several weeks we have been receiving updates about the former Food Lion in the West Georgia Shopping Center from Linco. Finally we have some GREAT NEWS! Josh Chapman from Linco sent us this email.

“I’m pleased to let you know that all parties have executed a lease on 29,000 square feet at West Georgia Shopping Center. The new tenant will be Atlanta Fitness.  I would expect them to open sometime in the latter half of 2014 after an extensive build out to the “old Food Lion” space.  They will have a sales office open in the center next door to their new space in advance of the gym opening.  As soon as I get that information I’ll let you know.  West Georgia shopping center is pleased to have Atlanta Fitness join in the centers redevelopment into a regional wellness center.  They will be a great compliment to the medical, pharmacy, and diagnostic community we are growing at the center. For more information on Atlanta Fitness see: ”

Atlanta Fitness has a beautiful location in Newnan at Ashley Park. The Carrollton community is looking forward to seeing them here! Thanks to Linco Properites for keeping updated along the way.


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