Central High School Business Department Earns Industry Certification

Central High School Industry Cert

(Carrollton, Georgia – May 21, 2013) Central High School Business and Computer Science Education Department has been awarded Industry Certification for the third time in the school’s history. In order for a school to be awarded Industry Certification the department must complete a year-long report documenting how Georgia Professional Standards are met, as well as how the department is aligned with local business needs and requirements.

As part of the year-long process students must be involved in linear long-term projects that include all students in the career pathway. Central students developed a business plan and hypothetical webpage as part of the long-term projects and presented their projects to industry leaders present during the onsite visit.

Dr. Dana Harman, Principal of Central High School, expressed her support and congratulated teachers and students in the Business Department for working diligently to complete a successful certification this year. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a co-curricular organization which plays an integral part in the success of students and the program at Central High School. FBLA students presented information about the organization, the number of students participating in career field trips and both Region and State competition.

Visiting team members were Ms. Carol Davies, Vicky Warren and Steven Hopkins. Central High School’s Business Education Advisory Board was present for the Industry Certification meeting and spoke to their involvement both inside and outside the classroom on behalf of the business program. Ms. Marcia Morris, a 20 year Central High School veteran, served as Industry Certification chair. She along with business teachers Kelly Bass and Mathew Smith helped guide students through the long-term projects and created a functional website detailing and documenting Central’s Industry Certification.

Contact: Tracy Harris, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent
[email protected]

Pictured from left to right are Business Teachers Mathew Smith and Kelly Bass, Society of Human Resources Management Evaluator Vicky Warren, Georgia Department of Education Industry Certification Curriculum and Website Evaluator Carol Davies, Steven Hopkins of Constangy, Brooks & Smith LLP, Business Teacher Marcia Morris, and Career Academy Principal Cindy Clanton.

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