To Do List Express Now Open




To-Do List Express, Inc opened for business on Jan 10, 2013. It is an online concierge, task, and errand bidding site for services. It is a place where you can go and post a job you might need done. You name the price range you are willing to pay and trustworthy providers that are qualified to do the job will place a bid for your task or errand. These service providers are called Runners. They save you time when you need time the most to relax and do those things that are most important to you.

You select the winner of the bids and payment is made to the Runner via PayPal after the task is completed. You have 3 days to confirm the task has been completed. A small website service fee is added at checkout.

To Do List Express was founded by a native of Carrollton and is an active nurse at Tanner. To- Do List Express operates online and also from their offices at The Burson Center in Carrollton. Check out their website at or call them at 1-866-668-7335 to start checking things off your to- do list today!

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