I discovered this neat find at the Trojan Center off Highway 27 in Carrollton. This is a place where you can rent a room for a certain price. Rent a Room made a very good first impression on me. Many of us try meeting people at coffee shops or restaurants and it is very distracting. Here you do not have to worry about people wondering what you are talking about. No distractions here. I will be using this new concept in the future. I am not sure when the owners opened the location but it seems new.
From John Bryan : Kenny found there was a need for a place where people could meet for meetings and parties so he turned one of the units into” Rent A Room”. It stays packed on the weekends. You can rent it in time blocks, 5 am to 11 am, 11 am to 5 pm, and 5pm till midnight. I believe it is $45 a block. Thery can call Kenny at 770-328-8713 for info.