Website Updates

Over the last few weeks many of you have requested certain things that we are in the process of adding/changing.

1. Easier access to locations/phone numbers of Restaurants and Retail within Stories/Posts.

2. Ability to locate a story about a business in your city.

3. Organized job postings in different sections.

4. Community directory of local restaurants and businesses.

5. An updated community event section.

Please be patient with us over the next week or so as we make this adjustments and changes to the website. Also we are adding updating our Facebook page with pictures of area businesses.  We will do our best to add locations within pictures but do understand our website is where this information will be in the future. As far as an App goes well.. That takes lots of additional funding. We are currently in the process of seeking out programmers for an iPhone App. We will keep you updated on this endeavor. Thank you so much for continuing to visit The Carrollton Menu on the web, Facebook, and Twitter. We are building the best community website for you!

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